Despite being a potentially lethal disease, the Covid recovery rates in the country has shone bright. With a positive recovery rate of 90%, patients suffering from coronavirus shall get back to good health in no time. However, it is imperative that we take efficient measures to keep the disease under control and supply our body with the desired solutions to counter the ill effects of Covid.
Post Covid Recovery Syndrome
As per observations, post Covid recovery symptoms persist long after the virus has been ejected from the body. More than 70% of Covid 19 patients are likely to experience a range of discomforts in the initial phase of recovery. Among the most common symptoms found in patients is shortness of breath, fatigue, mild occasional fever, headache, nausea, dizziness, muscle pain, joint pain etc. A high number of patients also reported experiencing loss of smell, loss of memory, brain fog, depression, anxiety, heart palpitations, lack of concentration and other mental obstructions. These popular symptoms, as per doctors may not be serious initially but if persist longer they can mutate into chronic illnesses. Covid 19 post recovery symptom has also naturally raised burden on the public healthcare system. The persisting symptoms may last more than 60 days after diagnosis, or hospitalization. On being discharged from the hospital, some patients may also suffer from Post Intensive Care Syndrome, mostly reflected in patients who have had to recover from the disease through a support of life sustaining systems and machines.
High Risk Groups
Covid 19 syndrome is comparatively more severe in patients who suffer from chronic diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, kidney, and liver diseases as well as respiratory diseases. Covid 19 post recovery syndrome has also affected the age group of 60 and above since older people take longer to recover from even mild conditions. It is therefore extremely important to focus on good health and strengthening the immune system through dietary measures and regular exercises to keep the body fit and able to fight diseases and external microbes that cause infections.
If left untreated, Post Covid Syndrome can result in serious health implications in the long term. The coronavirus microbe can cause serious damage to the body and internal organs as well as mental health.
Resting is an important and non-negligible part of post Covid recovery. As advised by doctors, a minimum of 8 hours of sleep is essential for the body to recover on its own. Complete isolation is another important factor to limit any residual contraction to other people like family members. Clean and sanitized surroundings are equally important to control the growth of germs and microbes to limit infections.
A good diet is an important factor for complete restoration of good health. Food intake takes optimal charge during recovery where our body requires healthy nutrients to eject all the toxins that may have remained in the system post recovery. Flushing out toxins and replenishing the body with food rich in vitamins, proteins, good fats, potassium, and magnesium enriches the immune system and strengthens the white blood cells to rejuvenate after the long hustle of battling coronavirus.