As we fight the third wave to Corona virus Pandemic, it is essentially important to focus on the aftercare post recovery and medical clearance of being virus free. In this article, we provide you with a few steps and guidelines to recover from post covid symptoms.
To begin with let us understand the inflammatory conditions that the body undergoes during post covid recovery. These may range from minor inconveniences to ling term severe symptoms. Patients who suffered from mild covid can recover in 15-20 days whereas it may take 6-8 months for patients with severe conditions and post covid impact. Here are a few ways in which patients can speed up their recovery.
Adequate diet is of extreme importance for patients aiming at a speedy recovery from the noble coronavirus. One of the key reasons of slowed recovery is malnutrition. As our body recovers, it also needs more nutrition for our organs to grow strong and fight any residual infection. Patients with obesity also suffer from increased respiratory complications as part of impaired immune functioning leading to high inflammation. Respiratory inflammations often result in life threatening diseases like cardiac arrest and other cardiovascular diseases.
Protein is an important part of a patient's diet. Certified Nutritionists and dieticians at VLCC recommend at least 1.3g of protein intake per day to prevent muscle loss and strengthen respiratory muscles.
Patients can take a diet comprising of fresh curd, eggs, paneer, meat and other protein supplements for the same. Patients who are suffering from loss of appetite or tastelessness can try protein shakes for effortless protein intake.
Patients are recommended to take 100-150g of carbohydrate based diet a day. Carbohydrates are a major reason to increased respiratory quotient and therefore must be monitored accordingly to limit excess. As part of the Post Covid Recovery Program, VLCC nutritionists and dieticians provide personalized diets for patients that help them benefit from their diet according to their requirements.
During Post Covid Recovery, patients can increase their fat intake to maintain calories. Increasing intake of rich omega 3 fatty acids not only helps in balancing calorie intake but also protects our heart and strengthens it against cardiovascular diseases. Omega 3 fatty acids also help in reducing in inflammation. Some products with high concentration of omega 3 fatty acids are olive oil, rice bran oil, groundnut oil, butter, ghee and nuts.
Apart from the vitamin supplements, having a vitamin rich diet also contributes to accelerated recovery. Including a diet rich in iron and vitamins is excessively important for a high immunity against any residual infection of Covid 19.
Probiotics are richly concentrated with good bacteria that help our body fight harmful toxins and detoxify it against external factors. Probiotics have been a part of the diet system in many different parts of the world for more than one reason. Probiotics help in increasing gut permeability and restoring immunity. Food rich in probiotics include curd, sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles and other fermented foods.