It is a known fact that our weight is directly related to how many calories we consume. Having the same number of calories that you burn helps stabilise your weight. However, if you’ll consume more calories than your body burns, you’ll end up gaining more weight. So, to maintain your body weight, you should include only healthy foods in your diet. Also, exercising daily can help burn some extra calories to lose weight. Here, we’ve provided detailed information about real foods and how they are beneficial in losing weight. Read further to know more.
What is Real Food?
“Real Food” is composed of only one ingredient, is rich in minerals and vitamins, has no chemical additives, and is generally unprocessed. Some examples are given below.
Brown Rice
Whole Eggs
Sweet Potato
Chia Seeds
Unprocessed Meat
Including the above real foods in your diet can help you lose weight within some time. Also, ensure to avoid unhealthy and oily foods to get fast results.
Reasons why consuming real foods can help you lose weight
Every food group contains plenty of real foods, so you have a wide variety to choose from. Here are some reasons how eating real foods can help you lose extra body weight.
· Real Foods are packed with proteins-
The essential nutrient for fat loss is protein. It boosts your metabolism, curbs your appetite, and influences the production of weight-controlling hormones. Protein food selections are equally as important as the amount of food you consume. Also, several necessary amino acids can become more difficult to digest because of food processing. Hence, real foods are a great source of protein as they aren’t overly processed.
· They are nutritious-
Whole, unprocessed animal and plant foods are packed with minerals and vitamins that are good for your health. On the other hand, processed foods can increase the risk of several health problems and slow down weight loss as they are low in micronutrients. Also, low nutrient diet prevents weight loss by making you feel less full post eating.
· Real foods are rich in soluble fibre-
Soluble fibre has numerous health benefits and helps in weight loss. It combines with water in the gut and forms a thick gel, reducing your appetite by slowing down food’s movement through the gut. In addition to reducing appetite, soluble fibre affects the production of hormones involved in managing hunger.
· They don’t contain refined sugars-
Refined sugars are not the same as natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables. Natural sugars are present in fruits and vegetables, but they also give other nutrients such as fibre, vitamins, and water, essential in a well-balanced diet.
Processed foods, on the other hand, frequently include refined sugars. High-fructose corn syrup and table sugar are the two most common added sugars. Foods with more refined sugars have more calories and offer fewer health advantages.
These are some reasons you should switch to a real food diet to lose extra body weight. However, for fast results, you can also opt for professional slimming treatments like CoolSculpting, but make sure you take the suitable slimming treatment from reliable and trusted experts like VLCC.
You can lose extra body weight and improve your health by eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals. However, if you wish to go for a professional slimming treatment, ensure to choose a trusted and reliable brand like VLCC to get the best results. Also, they make sure all your requirements are fulfilled without any side effects. You can take assistance from their expert team members regarding weight loss over a call, email, or in-person.