Patients who have been hospitalized due to Covid 19 infection are suggested to get tested before they can be discharged. Once discharged, Covid 19 post recovery can take up to 1 to 6 months depending on the post covid fatigue and its impact on the health of the patient. Recovered patients can continue to show SARS CoV2 RNA symptoms for up to 12 weeks post being medically free from the virus. Even though the virus is ejected from the body, it has the potential to leave back some residual infections that can continue hampering a steady recovery.

Researchers and medical associates are still studying the after impacts of Post Covid infection. Patients who have battled the virus and are recuperating must involve a nutritious diet, exercise, rest and stress relieving activities in their day to day lives for proper recovery. Patients have reported to suffer from dry cough, shortness of breath and other respiratory illnesses which require special attention and protection. As the Virus attacks our immune system, it is necessary to build a strong immune system that can ably fight the residual infections. Attention and precautions are therefore the key to keeping oneself safe against any diseases that may be caused by the residual infections that are still present and persistent in the body.
Other ways in which the Covid 19 Infection affects the body is by weakening our respiratory system and reducing our lung capacity. Reduced lung capacity can cause difficulty in oxygen and blood circulation leading to attacks and cardiovascular threats. Doctors suggest investing a good amount of time in practicing breathing exercises to limit respiratory blockages.
Special care is advised to patients who suffer from comorbidities like diabetes and heart conditions. As the medication used to cure Covid 19 virus include steroids, it may increase the sugar levels in the patient's body, patient's suffering from diabetes therefore need to extra careful in following a proper post covid recovery regime.
Covid 19 inflammation is also suspected to cause myocardial injury and long-term damage to cardiovascular system followed by imbalanced immune disorders. Other vital organs that are prone to damage under covid 19 include lungs, brain, liver and kidneys. To stay protected, patients with comorbidities and weakened liver, kidney functions must incorporate proper diet in their meals to compensate for the loss of nutrients and vitals in the body. Inflammations also occur when our body is dehydrated under strong medication, patients suffering from chronic illness ness and kidney and liver disorders must stay constantly hydrated for proper circulation of nutrients, oxygen and blood across the body. Post Covid, patients must also keep an eye on their weight. Fluctuation in weight and obesity can lead to circulation blockages making the body vulnerable to cardiovascular and respiratory risks.