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How Stress affects the Immune System

Writer: Priya ShahPriya Shah

Many people have experienced the connection between stress and falling sick. Episodes of cold, influenza, flu, herpes and allergies increase and seems worse when we are severely stressed at work /home or having low immunity. Psychologists in the field of "Psychoneuroimmunology" have shown that state of mind definitely affects one's state of health .If you feel lonely, depressed and stressed out; yours body ability to fight infection decreases and become more prone to illness.

The main function of immune system is to protect us from harmful organisms like viruses and bacteria's or any other material that may harm our body. Cells of the immune system, called White Blood Cells or WBC, circulate throughout the body and are found in various organs like bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes and spleen. There are different types of white blood cells, but Lymphocytes being the most prominent have vital role in invading the antigens, the foreign invaders. These Lymphocytes produce antibodies, when harmful substances invade the body.

Various studies have supported that stress affects immune system by altering the number of white blood cells in circulation and quantity of antibodies in the blood. Moreover, stress is associated with changes in functioning of immune cells, the number of lymphocytes and antibodies release decreases in individual who have experienced stress, anxiety or depression. There is a definite correlation between the duration of stress and changes in the immunity.

The stress results in elevated level of hormones: Cortisol & Catecholamine (epinephrine & norepinephrine). Acute increase in cortisol and epinephrine levels due to chronic /prolong stress results in decline numbers of white blood cells.

Long-term and chronic stress leads to persistently high cortisol and corticosteroid levels, which cause cortisol resistance and impaired anti-inflammatory effects on the immune system. Such effects result in chronic infection, chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases, cancers, other inflammatory mediated responses like Insulin resistance, Non alcoholic - fatty liver, atherosclerosis, gastric symptoms, obesity, diabetes and many others.

Other hormones released under stress - such as growth hormone, prolactin have been implicated in influencing the immune system. At a cellular level, these hormones get attached to receptors affecting their functioning.

"The way we behave" under stress also affects our immune functioning .Various studies have supported that stress associated specific behaviors modulate the immune response. Stressed person tends to have disturbed sleep pattern, less active, and includes unhealthy dietary régime. They are inclined towards frequent consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drug including antidepressants as a route to stress relief.

Chronic stress exerts immunosuppressive effect that suppresses or withhold the body's ability, efficient immune reaction. Chronic stressors include day to day hassles, work pressure, frustration of traffic jams, financial difficulties and family problems. There could be many more stressors that we encounter in our daily life. The pent-up anger we hold inside, or the guilt and resentment when not discharged together have a cumulative effect. Research shows that every system in our body is affected by this unreleased chronic stress, it suppresses the body's immune system and ultimately manifest illness. Prolong Fight-or-flight response make more difficult for our body to cope up with altered internal environment and make it more susceptible to illness.

Stress busting therapies or remedies will give your mind a break and also relieves pressure to strengthen your immune system. Chronic stress can be worked upon by simple behavioral and lifestyle modifications:

-Eating healthy diet with inclusion of super foods that helps to boost immunity such as herbs & spices like turmeric, ginger, garlic, whole grains like ragi, oats, barley, amaranth, quinoa etc

- Maintaining body's hydration level. Drinking 7-8 glasses of water everyday. Addition of low calorie and nutrient rich healthy drinks like detox water, smoothies, green tea, lemonade, mint-made, butter milk, barley water, supports to improve the fluid balance.

- Following regular exercise regime: Being active is a natural stress buster which helps to combat the day to day stress.

- Meditation and Yoga: lowers the stress hormones and calms nervous system by reducing inflammation.

-Deep breathing techniques boost immunity contrary to infections and act as a de-stressor.


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