A double chin, also referred to as submental fat, is a layer of fat beneath the chin. It is connected with weight gain; however, it is not essential to be chubby to have one. It can be caused by genetics or loose skin because of aging. You can do specific things to reduce your double chin fat. However, it would be best to undergo advanced treatment by a reliable and trusted brand like VLCC to get instant results. CoolSculpting can help eliminate the extra chin fat, and you can get visible results within a few sessions. Moreover, here, we’ve provided some tips that may help in double chin fat reduction. Read further to get detailed information.
Tips to get rid of Double Chin
A double chin can be reduced by following a specific diet and exercise. If you have a double chin due to extra body weight, losing weight may also reduce the fat from your chin. However, you can do some unique exercises to get rid of double chin fat.
1. Straight Jaw-
· Lift your eyes towards the roof by tilting your head backward.
· To feel a stretch under the chin, move your lower jaw forward.
· Hold the jaw thrust for ten seconds.
· Get back to the normal position by relaxing your jaw.
2. Neck Stretch-
· Stretch your neck.
· Look at the roof by tilting your head backward.
· Press the tongue towards the roof of your mouth.
· Hold for 5–10 seconds before releasing.
3. Pucker Up-
· Put a smile on your face.
· Look upwards with your head bent back.
· To stretch the area beneath your chin, stretch your lips to pout.
· Hold the position for 15 minutes, and then get back to your normal position.
These are some exercises you can perform daily to eliminate double chin fat. It’s recommended to perform these exercises with trained personnel or an expert. Also, if the double chin is due to weight gain, ensure to follow a healthy diet to reduce your body weight. The double chin fat will also decrease with your body weight. However, if you wish for instant and effective results, you should choose a professional treatment such as CoolSculpting. It will help eliminate the excess chin fat within a few sittings. Moreover, getting this advanced treatment from reliable experts like VLCC is essential to avoid any side effects.
A double chin can appear because of excess fat, age, poor posture, or genetics. You can get rid of it by following some effective exercise tips and a healthy diet. However, if you’re not getting visible results, you should opt for an advanced treatment like CoolSculpting. It is an FDA-approved and non-invasive treatment that freezes and kills the fat cells. So, if you also wish to get a sharp jawline, you can book your appointment at VLCC via call, email, or in person. The expert team will guide you regarding the treatment and ensure you get the desired results.