A cosmetic treatment, Botox has been shamed and famed through the ages only to become an openly accepted and opted for service that not only keeps you looking young but also boosts your confidence.
A drug used by doctors to treat signs of aging, fine lines and wrinkles, Botox is made from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum that weakens and paralyzes the muscles to treat wrinkles medically. Essentially a protein, Botox is a toxin that causes botulism, the paralyzing effect that gives your skin a sculpted, lifted look. When used in small doses, this toxin can have multiple benefits both cosmetically and medically.
Popularly used as injections, Botox is an FDA approved drug regularly used to treat various health issues like spasms, excessive sweating, migraine, headaches and bladder irregularities.
Found naturally in soil, lakes forests and intestinal tracts of mammals and fishes, Botox are beneficial when used for therapeutic purposes. The paralyzing effect of Botox also helps relaxing patients suffering from muscle and nerve disorders.
How does it work
Botox injection is essentially a neurotoxin that targets the nervous system and disrupts the nerve signaling processes that further stimulate muscle contraction. The nerves then release a chemical calls acetylcholine that acts as a messenger and causes the cells to contract. Botox injections thereby prevent the release of this chemical and keeps the muscles from becoming stiff.
When used cosmetically, Botox results are temporary in nature where the toxin injection is to be used sparingly for great results. The results can last upto 3-12 months depending on the type and doses of treatment and is extremely helpful in treating wrinkles, crow feet around the eyes, fine lines, frown lines, droopy chins and Creases on the forehead and mouth area.
Botox injections' cost varies is determined by various factors like
* Whether medical or cosmetic in nature
*the facility center where you are getting the treatment done from
*the country where you are opting for the treatment
*number of Botox units being used
As per the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery the average cost of Botox treatment rages around $376 with the procedure lasting for as long as 30 minutes. Improvements can be seen in the next 5 days after the treatment which can be repeated every 4 to 6 months.
When choosing derma services like Botox, it is mandatory to select doctors and Estheticians who are medically graded and certified. For exceptional Botox treatments in India, you can visit your nearest VLCC center where qualified professional doctors are available to cover the treatment for you under cost effective range.